Assistant State Climatologist
(850) 644-0719 phone
(850) 644-4841 fax
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As the assistant state climatologist for Florida, my work involves direct climate services, education and outreach, and applied climate research. I coordinate user data requests and provide information about the historical and current climate and weather of Florida and the broader Southeast U.S. region. My research broadly explores climate trends and extremes, risk and vulnerability to natural hazards, impacts of climate and weather hazards on communities, and climate adaptation. My research interests include stakeholder-driven research and engagement, and developing applied research projects to address needs and inform decision making.
I serve as the co-coordinator of the Florida Climate Institute, Florida state coordinator of the Community Collaborative Rain, Hail & Snow Network (CoCoRaHS), and serve as the program manager of the Florida Building Resilience Against Climate Effects (BRACE) Program, which works to address the public health effects of climate change and variability.