Descriptor Precipitation Obscuration Other
(BC)  Patches (DZ)  Drizzle (BR)  Mist/Fog (DS)  Duststorm
(BL)  Blowing (GR)  Hail (DU)  Widespread Dust (FC)  Funnel Cloud
(DR)  Low Drifting (GS) Small Hail/Snow Pellet (FG)  Fog (+FC)  Tornado/Waterspout
(FZ)  Freezing (IC)  Ice Crystals (FU)  Smoke (PO)  Dust/Sand Whirls
(MI)  Shallow (PL)  Ice Pellets (HZ)  Haze (SQ)  Squalls
(PR)  Partial (RA)  Rain (PY)  Spray (SS)  Sandstorm
(SH)  Shower/s (SG)  Snow Grains (SA)  Sand (GL)  Glaze
(TS)  Thunderstorm (SN)  Snow (VA)  Volcanic Ash (+)  Heavy intensity
(VC)  in the Vicinity (UP)  Unknown Precipitation   (-)  Light intensity

*= Extreme for the month (last occurence if more than one)
T= Trace precipitation amount
+= also occurs on earlier date
FG+= Heavy Fog, visibility .25 miles or less
BLANK enteries denote missing or unreported data

Resultant wind is the vector sum of the wind speeds and directions divided by the number of observations.
Wind direction is recorded in tens of degrees (2 digits) clockwise from true north.

Tens of Degrees Actual Direction
"36" North
"09" East
"18" South
"27" West
"00" Calm
"VR" Variable